After buying a new bike, I decided to maintain it more often and track my distance. However, some parts are mounted on one ride or demounted on another, and I may switch tires or wheels. It would be nice to know when I should service these parts.

It should looks like that Example view

I have always been inspired by “building in public” projects, and after reading Gergely Orosz’s article, I decided to create my own application to track all of this based on distances from Strava.

As a Ruby developer, I have mostly worked with Ruby on Rails. However, for this project, I decided not to use a framework and create my dream stack from scratch. The entire application should be built from small components, where changing one should not affect any others. I’m planning to start with Sinatra for the API, but replacing it with something else shouldn’t be a problem. Additionally, building one component in two different ways and comparing them should be possible.

I’m not a frontend developer, but I have some knowledge of how things work. For this project, I’m going to build something really simple. In the future, I want to build a hybrid app with a mobile version.

Since this is going to be a small app, I don’t need anything too complicated. At first, I’ll use PaaS with basic monitoring.

My goal is to build something useful for myself, but it would be even better if it could also be useful for others. I want to learn a few things along the way and demonstrate how to build an app like this. I’m not treating this as a commercial project. However, during my journey, I’ll describe things not only from a development but also from a product perspective.

I am open to feedback and welcome any questions you may have. My email is listed on this website.